children/youth sunday school
Crib and Young Children’s Nursery:
In our clean and well equipped nursery, love and care are provided for infants and children up to four years of age during Sunday School and both of our Sunday worship services. Each Sunday these children enjoy singing, crafts and learning about Jesus during the church school hour. The nursery is staffed during the two worship hours by paid staff who care deeply about our small ones. Grades Four through Five:
During the Sunday School hour, these students will use quarterly units which focus on the bible and applying it to today. They also reach out to our shut-in members through a card ministry and knot-tie blankets which are donated to various non-profit agencies. |
Enthusiastic children who are four and five (up to kindergarten) enjoy making crafts, listening to Bible stories, singing, and playing with one another each Sunday in a loving atmosphere. The children may join the nursery staff for activities during the worship services. Grades Sixth through Eighth Grades:
During the Sunday School hour, these students will use quarterly units which focus on the bible. The goals for students are: to expect God to speak to them through the Scriptures; to live in response to the good news they find in Scripture; and to feel a part of a people who identify themselves with Scripture. |
Kindergarten, Grade One, Grade Two, and Grade Three:
The goal for these children is to develop a basic understanding of Jesus, his life, and Church and Family relationships. Class time includes crafts, singing, cooperative play and take home leaflet. Each Sunday, children share a fun-filled hour learning about Jesus and how to live everyday lives through activities, crafts, music and stories. Upon promotion into second grade, students receive Bibles from the church. Ninth through Twelfth Grades:
This class is for 9th-12th grade, and follows a devised curriculum by Cokesbury. The curriculum consist of a variety of different topics driven and geared toward life and social skills, backed and supported by scripture for teens understanding. Class takes place in the Youth Room during regular Sunday school hour |
adult sunday school
The E.G.G.S. Class (Eclectic Group Gathering & Sharing) (meeting in the Scout Room)
This adult class is a variety of good eggs, usually sunny-side up, sometimes over-easy, occasionally scrambled but seldom cracked. We are a discussion-oriented group studying a range of Biblically-based Christian topics dealing with life and faith issues celebrating new life in Jesus. You can’t beat us. That is no yoke. Our door is always open. The Staggered Starters (meeting in rooms 10/11)
A mixed group of people that range in age from 18-90+. We spend time reading and studying the Bible. We also share in discussion about other topics that are of interest to the class. All are welcome – but be prepared to laugh, listen, and love. |
Searchers Class (meeting in room 9)
Using Answers Bible Curriculum, our class welcomes those who want to learn what the Bible says. Bring your Bible and be ready to search the Word. We strive to present the gospel, beginning in Genesis, and to train believers to know, obey, and defend God’s Word. We welcome everyone to our class. The Unconventionals (meeting in room 114)
The Unconventionals is an adult class ranging in age from twenty-something to eighty-something! We choose Biblically based studies or books that encourage us to deepen our faith in God and strengthen us on our daily walk as Christians. We are a group that loves to laugh and not take ourselves too seriously, but most importantly, we are a source of support and friendship for each other. All are welcome to join us! |
music ministries
Adult Choir
Chancel Choir
Open to any youth and adults who are interested. This group sings a variety of music styling on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at both worship service and for other special services when needed. Rehearsals are held weekly on Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room from September to the end of May. The rehearsals work on the music selections, share in a devotion and prayer concerns as well as enjoying of Christian fellowship. Questions, please contact Doreen Mileto, interim choir director, 570/506-9379 or [email protected]. Voices of Grace This Women's Ensemble rehearses on the first and third Thursday of the month, 6-7 p.m. in the Choir Room. Under the direction of Connie Hepler, the women sing in worship and for special events. Rehearsals begin in September. |
Youth Choir
This is open to all Youth grades 6 – 12. This group sings contemporary styles of music. They rehearse on the first and third Sunday evenings, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. and sing on the fourth Sunday of the month. They also rehearse the Chancel Choir music and join in singing along with them on the second and fourth Sundays when they are available. Questions, please contact Doreen Mileto, interim choir director, 570-506-9379 or [email protected].
Instrumental Choir
Chancel Handbell Choir
High school youth and adults with experience reading music and have an interest in ringing are invited to participate. If you are interested in joining us, please reach out to the Director, Stacey Heyes at [email protected] . Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. The group plays in worship the third Sunday of the month, September through May, and for special services. Rehearsal begin in September. |
For more information about any of the music groups, or solo or ensemble opportunities in worship,
contact the church, 570/326-5569 or [email protected].
contact the church, 570/326-5569 or [email protected].